2023 B.A.M. Promotions Street
Stock Battle Royale September 14th-16th Full Race
5th Annual B.A.M. Street Stock
Battle Royale Race Summary
Carolina Speedway - Gastonia, NC
September 14th-16th
BAM Street Stock
1. Rod Tucker #12
2. Andrew Blackwood #B5
3. Dalton Peavy #9P
4. Luke Scott #1L
5. Blake Pryor #78P
6. Blake Bentley #12B
7. Patrick Lyon #01L
8. Andy Blackwood #18B
9. Josh Langley #7
10. Bob Robertson #19R
11. Banjo Duke #711
12. Mike Manes #55
13. Kade Langley #11K
14. Shannon Adams #22
15. Bailey Loftin #44L
16. Josh Burgess #98
17. Kelly Fegter #1ST
18. Kayden Outlaw #13
19. Ronnie Mosley #9
20. Royce Bray #21B
21. Calob Mclaughlin #83
22. Garrett Killman #32
23. Austin Brown #04
24. Dalton Pannell #96
Renegade Sportsman
1. David Lucas #D1
2. Benji Knight #53
3. Brandon Kinard #7K
4. Steve Totherow #73T
5. Brandon Satterfield #B4
6. Rodney Satterfield #11
7. Averie Baker #16A
8. Bruce Sutherland #32
9. Spencer Davis #22
10. Jonathan Starkey #20
11. Brandy Baker #X1
12. Shane Vaughn #38
13. Kevin Patterson #58
14. Daniel Rowland #801
15. Josiah Lucas #J1
16. Timmy Smith #73S
For further information on the
B.A.M. Promotions Street Stock Battle Royale visit
the official event website at
www.bamstreetstock.com . |